Be happy, smile more and laugh out loud.
It will seriously help you in your goal
to enjoy more happiness in your life.
Smile more no matter what the situation is.
Those who smile more, feel a release of chemicals in the brain
triggering a happiness response and this aids our
human immune system do its job better
and protect us from harm.
Bring joy into your life and
spread it to others around you.
It is very contagious, too.
So, why not smile and laugh out loud and
spread some good cheer all year round.
spread it to others around you.
It is very contagious, too.
So, why not smile and laugh out loud and
spread some good cheer all year round.

A little smile everyday goes a long way.
Wear it all day!
If everyone just smiled a little each day,
the world would be better in every way, isn't it?
Developed and copyright by M-Vision Business Solutions
and these are the secrets of living young and looking young! ;)
Thanks for visiting
Thanks for visiting my site too! Keep on smiling! :)
Made ME smile!!
That is so true. Smile and Laugh more no matter what. You live longer and are much happier when you do.
And I smile!
Thanks for posting some comments. I have added you up in my links. Hope you can link me up to...
Hi Pinoy World,
I have added you in the blog list! Enjoy reading... I will be posting more this week. I got busy with many projects.
See you!
Hi Brandon,
Thanks for your comment. Be happy, have fun, make the most of our life...:)
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your blog has been chosen as a nominee in PINOYWORLD BLOG OF THE WEEK.
Thank you for nominating this blog! We hope we can share more positive thoughts, inspiring ideas, wealth generating concepts for our country and for all Filipinos around the world! More power to Pinoy World!
I say we should all smile at a complete stranger everyday. You may not know it, but that could be the friendliest face they see, and thus make their day!
Hi! What a nice day to see all people smiling at you! In these times when economic turmoil strikes the US, all we can do is to stand up,pick-up the pieces and smile!
We wish you the best Kristi! We hope we can get your magic smile in our blog too! :) Though we felt it in here...;)
hi thanks for leaving nice comments on my blog. thank u.
and thank you for sharing this post, "Smile"...seeing the photos made me smile...
You deserve those comments fingertalks...:)
smile is making happy
Smile though your heart is aching...
Smile even though its breaking (lalalalalalalallalala)....
...Nice song...Come sing with me...
Smile and be happy!
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